Joel Street Ditch - Northwood Hills and Eastcote Village

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This project is being led by Hillingdon Council and you can find more information at

This information was last reviewed and updated on 30 June 2023.


Properties and businesses have been flooded in Northwood Hills and Eastcote Village on several occasions from surface water, sewers and from the Joel Street Ditch itself. Hillingdon Council is looking at options to slow the flow of water into the Joel Street Ditch, as well as managing the flow of water through the urban landscape.

Hillingdon Council is working with interested local residents, local businesses and Eastcote Residents Association to understand

This project is being led by Hillingdon Council and you can find more information at

This information was last reviewed and updated on 30 June 2023.


Properties and businesses have been flooded in Northwood Hills and Eastcote Village on several occasions from surface water, sewers and from the Joel Street Ditch itself. Hillingdon Council is looking at options to slow the flow of water into the Joel Street Ditch, as well as managing the flow of water through the urban landscape.

Hillingdon Council is working with interested local residents, local businesses and Eastcote Residents Association to understand the risk of flooding and identify the appropriate solutions. Emergency work has already been undertaken to survey the extended culvert, remove partially collapsed bank near to Haydon Hall Park and commission a water level sensor for the Joel Street Ditch.

The photograph below shows before and after the emergency quick win works which were undertaken on the Joel Street Ditch to prevent blockage of the channel.

Current project progress:

Consultants have modelled the wider catchment area and have explored a long list of options which may alleviate the issues – including further sustainable drainage, Natural Flood Management (NFM), highway modifications, flood storage areas and property flood resilience. The flood modelling and options evaluation are currently being reviewed by Hillingdon Council to determine next steps which may include submitting an Outline Business Case for the scheme to the Environment Agency.

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Share your experiences in the catchment

about 3 years

Add a pin to the map to share observations, such as:

  • Flood History - share the location, extent and impact of flooding within the wider catchment.
  • Other Observations - share other observations (environmental, amenity, etc.).
  • Potential Opportunity - share opinions about potential water management opportunities in the catchment.

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Page last updated: 30 Jun 2023, 10:19 AM